Foreign Direct Investment

Key Service Provisions

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): In FDI, we assist companies to successfully diversify their business interests and activities through the initialisation of Exporting activities, establishing Parent Companies, Subsidiaries, Mergers & Joint Ventures, and acquiring controlling interests in a target company.


Representative Opportunities – Kenyan Market


Environment & Natural Resources: Kenya as a country is endowed with a conducive environment, inclusive of a wide range of priority investment areas. The Environment sector ranges from climate change prediction and adaptation, catchment protection, sustainable exploitation of economically viable mineral resources, to the enforcement of environmental legislation. The above-stated supportive factors represent the potential of fostering impressive yield gains – for varied prospective investments.

Building & Construction: Kenya has a well-developed building and construction industry with quality engineering, together with building and architectural design services being readily available. This industry is currently on an upward trend following the rehabilitation and reconstruction of roads and bridges under the Kenya Urban Transport Infrastructure Programme.

Manufacturing: This sector is mainly agro-based at the moment and plays an important role in adding value to agricultural output by providing forward and backward linkages within the agricultural sector. However, there is a shift to export-oriented manufacturing as the main thrust of Kenya’s industrial policy, since the country aims to raise the share of products in the regional market from 7% to 15 % and develop niche products for existing and new markets. Against the backdrop of these key policy reforms, Kenya is promoting the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Industrial Parks, Industrial Clusters, promotion of small and medium scale manufacturing firms, development of niche products and commercialisation of research and development results.


Representative Opportunities – Tanzanian Market


Agribusiness: This sector remains central to Tanzania’s industrialisation, as it provides markets for industrial products and raw materials for industries. Tanzania has 44 million hectares of arable land with an estimated 29.4 million hectares suitable for irrigation. Key available investment opportunities include significant potentials in investment in Agro-industries and Agro-processing.

Renewable Energy: Tanzania is endowed with diverse renewable energy resources, which are largely untapped, comprising biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar and wind power. Key available investment opportunities include geothermal exploration & development, development of new & renewable energy resources and the overall promotion of energy efficiency and conservation initiatives.

Manufacturing: Tanzania offers abundant natural resources, which provide for plenty of raw materials for the manufacturing industries, such as: cotton for the garment and textile industries, sisal for canvas production, iron for steel, as well as various minerals and gemstones. Opportunities exist for the establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and Special Economic Zones (SEZs).


Representative Opportunities – Rwandan Market


Agribusiness: Agriculture in Rwanda accounts for a third of its GDP. Growth in this sector is projected to expand from 5.8% to 8.5% p.a, with a focus on agro-processing. As such, exports are expected to increase on average, from 19.2% to 28% p.a, and imports to be maintained at a 17% average growth.

Energy: Rwanda’s Power Generation mix is currently diversified as follows: hydropower 48%, thermal 32%, solar PV 5.7% and methane-to-power 14.3%. The country plans to achieve a 512MW installed power generation capacity by 2023/24. Its projections are as follows: Universal access (100%) by 2023/24 – with on-grid connections representing 52% and off-grid 48% – by 2023/24.

Manufacturing: The manufacturing sector in Rwanda is still small but steadily growing at an annual rate of 7%. To increase both the domestic and foreign supply of manufactured goods, the Government has put in place a Special Economic Zone and four Industrial parks in Bugesera, Huye, Nyabihu and Rusizi to address the shortcomings in the business environment – by developing infrastructure, streamlining business regulations and facilitating savvy investors. In addition to this, every District has an area earmarked as an industrial park.

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